Monday, March 31, 2014

Simple Hard Truths about Teaching

Hey Bloggers! 

There is no one size fits all when it comes to the classroom. According to James Stronge he defines effectiveness as creating a positive effect on student achievement as well as other important outcomes that have positive and lasting effects on the lives of students. There are a few things that Stronge's research tells us about differentiation. 

First I want to talk about what the students want. They consistently want teachers who respect them, listen to them, show empathy toward them, help them work out their problems, and become humans by sharing their own ideas and lives with them. Students also want teachers who create a warm and supportive classroom environment. 

Second is to be an effective teacher you have to develop awareness of students's cultures out side of schools, spend a great deal of time working and interacting with students and have high levels of motivation. There are also so many other ways to be an effective teacher and differentiate so that all students can succeed. 

So why do teachers think that it is so hard to differentiate? Well one of the keys is that effective differentiated teaching is just RESPONSIVE TEACHING!! There is no formula for excellent teaching, we cannot buy a book about it or take a course that shows us the answers. Although, there are ideas that help teachers to become a responsive teacher. It takes time, knowledge, and dedication to become a differentiated and responsive teacher! 

Till next time... 

Monday, March 24, 2014

How to Respond to Students Different Needs!

Hey there Bloggers! 

Responding to every child's different needs can be a lot of work, but it is very important to remember that that no child has the same learning needs. One thing that I need to remember is all the differentiated work needs to be respectful and engaging work for all students. Some ways that you can provide differentiated work for students in the following ways.. 
  • Incorporating complex instruction that are at a high level.
  • Using a variety of rubrics to guide quality, not every student should be graded the same for their work. 
  • Provide learning contracts that allow teachers to focus students on work necessary for their own development and growth. 
  • Aim high because we often underestimate our students abilities.
  • Take a "No Excuses" Stance by accepting no excuses for work that is undone or incomplete. 
  • Help students to realize that success comes from the result of effort and hard work. The most successful students understand that their results and success come from their own hard work. 
  • Establish a peer network that will use a Think-Pair-Share strategies because they promote learning. 
There are many things that come along with responding to students needs. The most important thing to remember about teaching is that THERE IS NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL!!! 

Till next time... 

Monday, March 17, 2014

A Vehicle for Students

Hey Bloggers,

For the next three weeks I have the opportunity to be in a second grade class for school. Today was the first day and so far I love it! My cooperating teacher happened to be telling me about how important curriculum is and even showed me a curriculum map that the second grade team designed. A vehicle for students? What does this even mean? Well it is a vehicle for addressing students needs based on curriculum and instruction. As I started reading tonight, I found that the next chapter was about curriculum and instruction. In the classrooms, we run our students like a hamster in a wheel going through the curriculum to try and get everything taught in one day! One way that we can find a way to make sure to get everything taught are..

IMPORTANT-What we study balances knowledge, understanding, and skill

FOCUSED- Whatever we do is unambiguously aligned with the essential learning goals.

ENGAGING- Students most often find meaning in their work and provokes their curiosity.

DEMANDING- The work is often a bit beyond the reach of the learner.

SCAFFOLD- The teacher teaches for success, use modeling, organizers, and other strategies to point out success.

By providing all these things in our curriculum we can use these tools as a vehicle for student success with the curriculum. By providing curriculum and instruction that is important, focused, engaging, demanding, and provides a way to scaffold will give the opportunity to establish an environment that is crafted on relationships and procedures that will maximize the likelihood of success. We need to expect great things from our learners! We need to see a more that one size fits all solution for students. Every child has needs that require differentiation to every child to succeed!

Till next time!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Classroom Routines for Flexible Teaching!!

Hey there Blogger Friends, 

Lets talk about routines, not dance or gymnastics or ice skating routines. This is even better. CLASSROOM ROUTINES. And to add the cherry on top of that.. FLEXIBLE classroom routines. Having routines is great especially if you can reach out to the various learning needs of each child. This is where the flexibility comes in. In order to have flexibility in your routines you have to help your students develop a sense of autonomy with the regular classroom routines so where there is a change in the day they know how to react and are able to stay on task. We need to strive to teach our students to do things for themselves because as teachers we become skilled at "doing things for them". Some ways that I have found very helpful and that I am going to try to implement in my classroom are.. 
  • Use visual cues- Have signs posted around the classroom so that the students know what they are doing and where they are supposed to be. You can also incorporate signs like holding up a fist so students know when to stop and listen or to transition. 
  • Pre-Established Groups- This is where differentiation comes into play. Tell the students which group they are going to be in so that way there is no fighting about where they are going to be. Make sure that you are constantly switching up the groups so that the students don't fell neglected or stuck with the same partners all year long.
  • Use Goal Cards- These are when students are working individually or in small groups and then they can write their goals down or steps that will help them to complete the activity. 
  • Teach for Smooth Transitions- There is going to be a process for everything in the classroom so why not teach those transitions and processes to be smooth? Have the students practice these so that they know what is expected of them. Give them feedback every time so that they know how they are doing with their transitions! 
By having these flexible routines you will be able to have a classroom that is connected, self-sufficient, and differentiated to the best of your ability for the hallmark flexible use of time, space and materials. The key thing to remember is to plan ahead for flexibility. It's hard to think of on the spot so be prepared. I know that in my classroom I will do my best to be flexible in all my procedures and keep in mind the different needs of all the learners in my class!

Till Next Time... 

Fostering Classroom Communication

Hey Bloggers, 

So, I got an internship! Woohoo! As I was thinking about how I wanted next fall to play out a thought came to my mind about how to communicate effectively and properly with my students so they feel comfortable and successful in my classroom... So I decided to blog about it. 

Communication is an early and fundamental decision that needs to be made before the school year begins. There is a broad array of how you can have effective communication in the classroom. Some of the ways that I found are to... 
  • Build a group identity
  • Ensure that the teacher has ways of getting to know each student better
  • Enable the teacher to share their own thoughts about teaching
  • Provide a shorthand for quick communication among members of the classroom. 
One way that I have decided to foster communication is to have morning meeting in my classroom everyday. This is one way that all students will feel 100% successful and be able to share their thoughts and concerns. I will also have a mailbox where students can leave me notes about anything they want to talk about. This way I will be able to respond to them thoughtfully and on my own time without having to interrupt class. Another way that I found in the book that I really liked is hold goal setting conferences with the students. These are when the student and teacher meet to talk about their progress and they examine some of the students work, their strengths and their weaknesses. Another way to establish good communication is to use Dialogue Journals. These are designed solely for the purpose of allowing students and teachers to communicate and talk in ways that are not possible during class. The entries can be about anything they want and then they turn it into the teacher and she writes back to them by showing interest in their writing. I really love this idea. I think that it would really help students who need someone to talk to. Sometimes writing things down is a lot easier for kids than talking about it. 

I want to be able to have the type of relationship that student will be remember for a life time. 

Till next time, 

A Differentiated Classroom Environment

Hey Fellow Bloggers, 

Today we are going to have chat about Classroom Environment.. Okay? Ready, set, go! 

Classroom Environment includes both physical and effective attributes that individually and cumulatively establish a learning atmosphere that is positive and welcoming to all. It is a place where you can feel that learning an teaching can take place! A few attributes of a great classroom environment are.. 

WALLS- Decorate the walls of the rooms with bulletin boards and other things that showcase the work of all the students from your different learning groups. Each child should get the opportunity to show their work no matter what level they are on. This is showcasing the hallmark of respectful work for all students! 

FURNITURE ARRANGEMENT- This is something that is so small yet so crucial for a good classroom environment. The arrangement can speak volumes about a classroom, it represents the presence of interests, learning needs, talents and materials for various activities.  It is important to remember that when making your differentiation groups for the different subjects to have a place for all the students to go so they can work together and scaffold each other in order to learn more and expand their knowledge!

THE TEACHER IS THE ARCHITECT-The teacher invites the sense of learning into the classroom by how they speak to their students, their excitement level about subjects, by showing equal respect to all students, and by having humor that is positive and energizing. 

By remembering these three things, any teacher can create a great classroom environment. It is important to remember that you need to do what works for you and your students. If something isn't working, then change it! The environment of a classroom communicates loudly to your students, their parents, and the administration. It tells others of your personal affirmation, potential for individual contribution, purposefulness, and also a high challenge. I know that in my classroom I want to create an environment where all children feel comfortable to do their best and be themselves no matter what level of learning they may be on compared to the class. 

Till next time..