Monday, February 10, 2014

Morning Meeting--The most influential 30 minutes of the day.

Morning Meeting!! 
Soo.. What is Morning Meeting you ask? Well let me tell you. Morning Meeting is something that I consider to be something that is very important in a classroom. It has many beneficial factors that I would love to tell you about! First off, Morning Meeting builds a classroom community. Morning meeting is also an opportunity to get to know each other. Among these two fantastic benefits you can also add less behavioral problems, students will know the schedule, acceptance of all children, empowering, and mostly importantly 100% OF STUDENTS FEEL SUCCESSFUL!! 


There are some components to Morning Meeting that I feel are extremely important to include... 
Class Creed- This is what you say everyday. Every single day. Talk about it so the students know what they are saying. 
Greeting- Every single child deserves to be said hello to. EVERY DAY!! 
Pledge- We live in a beautiful country. We need to teach our students that we need to be very grateful for the country that we have the OPPORTUNITY to live in. 
Memorization- Don't make this something that is hard or that is graded. Let each child know that you will not go on with out them. Everyone can go on their own pace and work together to succeed. 
Class Buisness- During this section you set goals, talk about the things that are good for you (vegetables). things that the students did well, praise them for their accomplishments (desserts). Lastly, things that need to be addressed like behavioral problems (medicine). 
Two Literacy Terms-Do this everyday this is a great OPPORTUNITY to teach students in a setting where they feel COMFORTABLE AND SUCCESSFUL.
One Quote-This can be funny, insightful, encouraging, or anything you want it to be! 
News or Current Event-The world is constantly changing around us. We need to keep students up to date with what is going on. Keep students aware of their surroundings. 
Sharing-This helps students to feel like everyone is there for them. Help all students to feel comfortable to share. One thing to remember is that this is NOT A THERAPY SESSION. Help students to share the positive, uplifting ideas that they have. 

I feel that Morning Meeting is a crucial thing for students. In class we had the opportunity to listen to a guest speaker named Sylvia Anderson. She has been doing morning meeting since she started teaching and has seen many benefits from it. My favorite story she shared was about a parent who called her principal and said my child is doing things at home that they have never done before like doing the dishes and making their bed with out being asked.. What is happening at school to make my child act this way? So the principal went to her and she responded with Morning Meeting. 

I want to implement Morning Meeting in my classroom so that I am able to make all my students feel 100% successful in school even if it is only for 30 minutes of the day. 

1 comment:

  1. This was a great reflection on the good of (and need for) morning meetings, and how you see yourself making a difference in students' lives. Good for you! 5 pts.
